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Thessaloniki Area

West of Thessaloniki

Aliakmon, Axios and Gallikos Deltas and Alikes Kitrous saltworks and lagoon.

This vast area lies south-west of Thessaloniki. Now largely agricultural, it is punctuated by several rivers running between embankments to the sea. The area includes a colony of 25 pairs of Purple Heron, up to 10 pairs of Glossy Ibis, a pair of White-tailed Eagle and a large colony of Mediterranean Gulls. Kalohori often turns up good waders and Wilson’s Phalarope and Pectoral Sandpiper were surprise visitors in 2007 and, in 2010, 7 Terek and 3 Broad-billed Sandpipers were there together. A few km south is a large, purpose-built observation tower provides an excellent view across marshland. Nearby are the Alikes Kitrous saltworks and lagoon which hold passage waders and plenty of winter duck.

East of Thessaloniki

Angelohori Lagoon

This area of saltpans and lagoon, can hold good numbers of passage waders. this was the case during a visit in September ’10 with more than 400 particularly around the western and southern shores. Most numerous were Kentish Plover, with Black-tailed Godwit, good numbers of Curlew Sandpiper, Dunlin, Little Stint and several Marsh and Common Sandpipers, Avocet and 7 Stone Curlew. Plenty of Mediterranean Gull were accompanied by a few Slender-billed and Sandwich, Little and Common Terns, with 300 Flamingo and a dozen Spoonbill.

It seems that entry by car has been curtailed but it is still possible to walk along the track between the pans and the sea.


Epanomi Lagoon

Further south lies Epanomi Lagoon which, although having deteriorated somewhat in recent years, can also hold passage waders.


Thanks to the Axios - Loudias - Aliakmonos Management Authority for their data

Axios/Aliakmon area December 2012

An impressive 1697 Flamingos were counted, mainly in the southern part of the region towards Nea Agathoupolis. Other waterbirds included 80 Dalmatian Pelicans, 30 Spoonbills, 54 Great White Egrets, 2 Black-necked Grebes and 1550 Teal. A record of 4 Common Cranes was unusual. Raptors included 4 Spotted Eagles, 39 Buzzards, 17 Marsh and 3 Hen Harriers.

Axios/Aliakmon area November 2012

November data includes 231 Dalmatian Pelicans, 1771 Flamingos, 60 Great White Egrets and 60 Avocets. Duck numbers are building, with, for example, 720 Teal and 192 Shoveler. The usual winter raptors have arrived in good numbers, with 41 Marsh Harriers, 3 Hens, 47 Buzzard, 5 Sparrowhawks and a single White-tailed Eagle.

Axios/Aliakmon area September 2012

Summer birds were augmented by passage birds during September with 170 Dalmatian Pelicans, 16 Purple Herons, 608 Flamingos and 79 Spoonbills. Egrets were well represented with 6 Cattle, 263 Little and 82 Great Whites.   Two White-tailed Eagles were noticeable along with 2 passing Ospreys. Wader passage included 72 Stone Curlews, 61 Ruff and 568 Avocet.

Axios/Aliakmon area August 2012

In August 45 Glossy Ibis provided an early highlight on the 8th, together with Collared Pratincole, Slender-billed Gull and Gull-billed Tern. Further counts during the month included 274 Little and 55 Great White Egrets, 28 Purple Heron, 58 Spoonbill, 443 Flamingo and a single Montagu's Harrier. Waders were much in evidence, particularly at Kalohori, with 308 Stilts, 39 Stone Curlew, 19 Collared Pratincole, 42 Little Ringed and 25 Kentish Plovers, 11 Spur-wings and 270 Black-tailed Godwits.

Axios/Aliakmon area July 2012

96 Glossy Ibis were present, along with 102 Dalmatian Pelicans, 68 Spoonbill, 27 Purple Heron, 38 Flamingo and 24 Ferruginous Duck. Waders included 99 Avocet, 2 Spur-wings, 351 Black-winged Stilt, 488 Black-tailed Godwit and 10 Stone Curlew. In August 45 Glossy Ibis provided an early highlight on the 8th, together with Collared Pratincole, Slender-billed Gull and Gull-billed Tern.



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